As we come together to rejoice in the spirit of Canada Day, it’s equally important to show some love to our parking lots. A neat and orderly parking lot not only boosts your premises’ visual appeal but also enhances public safety and prolongs the life of your property.

Core Parkade, a pioneer in offering residential and commercial lot cleaning services, is here to provide some key guidelines on maintaining a spotless, well-organized, and welcoming parking lot for the grand Canada Day festivities and beyond. 

Effective Waste Management

Canada Day typically means an influx of visitors and, consequently, an increase in waste. Strategically place rubbish bins and recycling containers in noticeable and accessible spots throughout the parking lot to promote responsible waste disposal among visitors.

Scheduled Sweeping and Upkeep

Establishing a schedule for regular sweeping is foundational to keeping your parking lot clean. This prevents a pile-up of dust, leaves, and other detritus. Arranging an extensive clean-up before Canada Day is crucial to ensure your parking lot looks its best for the grand occasion.

Landscaping and Decor

Don’t forget the perimeter of the parking lot. Trim overgrown hedges, mow the grass, and pick up any litter. Adding patriotic decorations such as flags or banners can elevate the event’s spirit and provide a festive touch to an otherwise mundane space.

Make sure that the parking lot is well-lit, enhancing safety for visitors when the sun goes down. Replace any burnt-out bulbs and repair malfunctioning light fixtures. Good lighting also discourages vandalism and theft.

Traffic Management

With the increased foot and vehicle traffic expected on Canada Day, consider hiring traffic control services. Having dedicated staff to manage incoming traffic and guide drivers to vacant spots will drastically reduce confusion and enhance overall safety.

Repairs and Maintenance 

Keeping a parking lot clean goes beyond managing litter. It involves ensuring the infrastructure is in top shape. Carry out regular checks for any damage, such as cracks or potholes and address these swiftly to preserve your parking lot’s cleanliness and safety.

Hire Reliable Parking Lot Maintenance Services

As Canada Day approaches, let’s remember that a clean parking lot enhances its beauty, promotes safety, and extends its serviceable life.

At Core Parkade, our commitment lies in helping you keep your parking lot in perfect condition. With over a decade of experience providing parking lot line painting, cleaning, power sweeping, and other parking lot services to Calgary. We guarantee: 

  • 24/7 Availability
  • Attention to Detail
  • Industry Leading Equipment
  • Quality Service For Less

Contact us today, and let’s work together to ensure all parking spaces are clean, secure, and inviting. Here’s wishing you a Happy Canada Day!

One of the top deciding factors for a customer when choosing where to shop is the external presentation of a business. This is why regular parkade cleaning in Calgary will display professionalism and that your establishment is welcoming to visitors and returning customers.

But Parkade Cleaning isn’t just for the visual appeal. So in this article, we’ll look at why having a clean parkade can benefit your business and how our services at Core Parkade can help.

Parking Lot Lifespan

Regular cleaning of your parkade in Calgary will improve the durability and longevity of your parking lot.

When water seeping into your asphalt freezes, cracks start to form, eventually becoming dangerous potholes for visitors. Silt, dirt, sand and debris can also build up over time, be abrasive, and cause deterioration.

Save yourself the costly repairs in the long run by making the smart move of hiring parkade cleaning professionals early on.

Avoid Pollution

Minimize pollution and discourage littering in your place of business, and Calgary overall by having your parkade cleaning done and setting a good example.

If your parking lot is well maintained, it can also avoid the following:

  • Chemicals & dirt from draining into local waterways
  • Breeding grounds for pests and rodents
  • Hazards to birds and wildlife

Maintaining your parking lot shows you care about the environment and your community while making a solid first impression!

Make a Great First Impression

Parking lots filled with garbage are associated with chaos regarding how potential customers will view your establishment. Regular parkade cleaning will drive customers in Calgary to come by more often while showing you take pride in your business!

A clean parkade is suitable for public health and sanitation while avoiding costly lawsuits by minimizing slip & fall hazards.

Our Parking Lot Cleaning Services

Core Parkade is the business to call if you need parkade maintenance. Our entrepreneurial spirit has shaped ideals you can trust, and we embody thorough parking lot upkeep.

Our mission is to be the only company you call for parkade cleaning in Calgary.

Contact us at 403-452-2183 if you have any questions, or get a FREE quote today!